CSIRT STATUS 1: Normal – No Alert
CSIRT STATUS 2: Initial level of heightened alert
CSIRT STATUS 3: Full Alert. Attack / Malware in progress – Advice to take system offline.
CSIRT STATUS 4: “Wartime” status; Internet Meltdown
CSIRT 1: Peacetime day-to-day status
Reasoning: No major exploits and attacks evident
CSIRT 2: Initial level of heightened alert
Reasoning: attack in progress (or believed to be imminent) that could lead to increase in latency and local connectivity outages. Take infected system offline.
CSIRT 3: Full heightened alert
Reasoning: attack in progress that causes an increase in latency, local connectivity outages or compromises. Attack/malware detected / in progress. Temporary shutdown. Take infected network offline.
CSIRT 4: “Wartime” status; Internet Meltdown
Reasoning: attack malware/ransomware in progress that caused failure of major parts of the internet or cyber vital infrastructure